blah blah blah? well, blah. |
at the grocery store a group of middle-aged women blocked my way. overheard as i navigated between them to reach the bananas:
woman 1: snow is so white and pretty.
*everyone nods*
woman 2: but it's cold.
*everyone nods*
woman 3: when it melts everything gets wet.
*everyone nods*
woman 1: sometimes your shoes get wet. have to take care not to track that inside!
*everyone nods, laughs*
what are your favorite conversational topics? mine include:
"hey, we're both wearing shoes"
"my eyes help me to see"
"fire is hot"
Lol. These people need to learn that they shouldn't say anything unless it improves the silence. Then again, they wouldn't have anything to say.
nodding ............
At least they didn't all say "interesting post, following."
That's... That's hilarious.
She should be in stand-up.
i know now a thing or two about snow having read that conversation.
these guys are very smart lol
Wow. I love overhearing conversations like this. The ones that make your brain shut off trying to figure them out.
They have talked about everything in life already...it's all they got. :)
Senile old folk conversations...gives you something to look forward too!
i hear similar conversations when im waiting in line for coffee every morning... everyone should just shut up about the weather. it's been around since the formation of the earth, and we should be used to it now for fuck sake
i lol'd at sucio's comment
The sky turns dark at night...
There's the famous: Hi do u come here often? line I enjoy
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