-_-.....damn bell ringers making me feel quilty
I love bells!
evvvvvvery year. must i feel ashamed every single christmas? even if i do give once in a while? they need to change their business model.
Smatch helped, is the ringing about the holidays?
salvation army, all smiles and bells, requesting money outside grocery stores.
Whats ring ring supposed to mean?Respect,Victor, member of PL Team
This just makes me want to walk awkwardly by and pretend I am talking on my cellphone.
I always give money to these guys...they do good things! Following.
I thought that this would end with the bannaphone joke.
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-_-.....damn bell ringers making me feel quilty
I love bells!
evvvvvvery year. must i feel ashamed every single christmas? even if i do give once in a while? they need to change their business model.
Smatch helped, is the ringing about the holidays?
salvation army, all smiles and bells, requesting money outside grocery stores.
Whats ring ring supposed to mean?
Victor, member of PL Team
This just makes me want to walk awkwardly by and pretend I am talking on my cellphone.
I always give money to these guys...they do good things! Following.
I thought that this would end with the bannaphone joke.
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