Friday, January 07, 2011

the smell of sadness

"so, um, your smelly sadness is really turning me off right now.  no, seriously."

NPR:  Smell That Sadness?  Female Tears Turn Off Men.

apparently, chemicals present in emotionally-shed female tears reduce male testosterone and sexual arousal.  males are temporarily emasculated by female tears.

whatever.  humans aren't subject to chemical impulses.  we have free will.

"did somebody just...?  ugh.  mind leaving the room next time?"



Bobby said...

Yeah, it's not like tears are particularly sexy....

Wesh said...

"hey girl, you smell sad... want to talk about it?"

MRanthrope said...

I cannot handle GF's crying.

Rawr said...

:O interesting

Sam said...

Think this acts like a defense mechanism for predators :)

smilingjack said...

sadness turn everyone off

tomi991 said...

heh, smelling sad? xD

p said...

what? O_O
anyways, cool blog, i'll follow!

Suciô Sanchez said...

Bear repellent.

noog said...

thanks... now i have a scientific excuse when i freak out about a girl crying :)

Mr Bouchard said...

As interesting as it is, I don't think there is many guy asking any girl crying if they would like to fuck the sadness off in the first place.. lol

Anonfourtwenty said...

Don't like sadness...

Anonymous said...

I feel very awkward around crying people

Max said...

I cannot handgle GIF's crying.
Did I miss something?

poorfags said...

lol? TBH, I was never thinking about my boner when there was crying going on around me.

Ante Babaja said...

sad people smells sad

JayPower said...

Depends on the kinda guy i think, i dont really find tears sexy, but whatever floats your boat

tigey said...

tell that b*** to stop f*** crying ! :)

Natália said...

This makes want to cry!

Major Mack said...

Yeah well Im rather desensitized tears to evoke an are you OK? from me but unless i find there is a legitimate reason for tears...I find some people are just overly sensitive. Yah I am a prick.

Monster Madness said...

Okay, cool info! :)

Speedy Ed said...

no cry.. no cryy :(

Zakk said...

Biological psychology is so interesting, isn't it??

Solsby Kid said...

Haha interesting but i dont think tears are that sexy lol

Andrew said...

Haha! This must be a double edged sword because some guys flock to emotionally unstable girls because they are needy... But in the long run I don't think they are worth it... I mean, so much baggage!

With this being said, what about guys crying? I hope that my tears don't have the opposite effect on women--instead of repelling perhaps they attract? God knows.