my cousin's recent facebook status update:
>.> If you could live without one emotion what would it be???
v.v i choose fear, so i can attempt a stupid front flip again.
great question. like everyone else, i've ranked senses and limbs into order of sacrifice, but i've never considered losing an emotion.
responses to her update suggested: anger, jealousy, love, anxiety, fear. you can make a decent case for each of those, except maybe love.
personally, i'd jettison a secondary emotion of love. lust. no other emotion clouds my thinking, corrupts my judgement, and exerts such a strong and constant force as lust. if i could take even a small fraction of the time i've idled away in fruitless sexual fantasy and apply it productively, i could have mastered any trade or language.
people will say that an absence of lust will remove or reduce the pleasure of sex. they're right. but would you wish for an itch so you could experience the pleasure of scratching it?
which emotion would you live without? why?
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