Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Palin/Golem 2012

BBC News - Arizona shooting: Palin denounces 'blood libel'

Sarah Palin, the real victim of the AZ shooting, attacks as 'blood libel' the suggestion that her violent rhetoric might incite violence.  she aggressively defends herself from requests to tone down her violent rhetoric by escalating her violent rhetoric.

(blood libel, btw, is the accusation that some group (usu. Jews) murder children and use their blood for rituals.)

it's all about meeeeeeeee

when Jews were persecuted for blood libel in the 16th century, the Golem of Prague came to their aid.  will the Golem now protect Sarah Palin from her detractors?

would you vote for Palin in 2012 if the Golem were her running mate?

"come at me bro:  Palin/Golem 2012"



BTN Hip Hop said...

Palin or Golem, i know who id go with

World of Zero said...

No no no... It's Palin *and* golem. I choose anybody else. Look theirs a homeless guy! "Would you like to be President Mr Homeless?" Good here you go!

Screw Palin.

Justsayin' said...

Words cannot describe how utterly stupid this female is.

noog said...

it depends... what is Golem's stance on healthcare reform and marijuana legalization?

Anonymous said...

The Golem just seems so much more intelligent.

Bobby said...

I have no comment on the subject.

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Wesh said...

vote for golem!

Zakk said...

I hate Palin sooo much, she is just a bad person.

MRanthrope said...

I just love the new levels of stupidity this woman manages to achieve.

Rawr said...

this woman doesn't know what tells, I hate Sarah

whatshouldibuytoday said...

wat the heck hahaha... I never liked Palin..... so...........

JohnH said...

When will Sarah Palin sought herself out. You know she calls herself a feminist!!! Whatta joke. Mind you, i think so of the abuse she gets is out of order. I don't approve of death threats and expect better from people. Still, she is a noob. P.S. New Follower

poelanotex said...

wouldn't vote for her regardless if golem was her running mate

Theta^2 said...

When I read the caption for the first picture, I read it in Palin's voice... And Palin/Golem 2012? I feel bad for Golem.

Natália said...

I rather just vote for Golem....

Max said...

I'd vote for Golem just so I could tell my grandkids about it someday.

Das Auto! said...

i get palin paid the dude to shoot. i know this is false, but i like saying it because it pisses off teabaggers.

JayPower said...

Yeah id vote for palin'

Im with noog here though, whats there stance on marijuana legalization? thats a deal breaker right there ;D

The Latest Movie Trailers said...

i vote golem

Solsby Kid said...

Yeah i really agree with Justsayin here, not a fan of that woman atall

Monster Madness said...

I've heard hat tale from Prague before. Interesting stuff!

RP said...

Given the Right wing and tea party movement in america Palin and Golem could very well be the winning pair. Though I beleieve that even the golem would find it difficult to cope with Madama Alaska...

Ante Babaja said...

id go for parah salin xD

Justsayin' said...

@ noog LMAO!!

The Champ said...

Ew.. sarah palin..

tigey said...

epic golem is epic

watchman said...

golem ftw

watchman said...

nice blog, just subbed to it.

Make sure to follow mine at

itsfranz said...

you are right with that whole she sure sucks at politics thing
but she is hot
followin ;)

Les said...

If I wasn't a staunch Hobo King/Trustworthy Mummy supporter, then I'd definitely consider Palin/Golem

TEAM JDM said...

i'll go for the golem! hahaha
nice blog! Good stuff!

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